What are secure contact details?

Secure contact details are dedicated phone numbers and email addresses which are used on Checkatrade.com to protect our consumers and trades. They are displayed in place of our trades personal contact details however divert directly to them, keeping communication seamless for both parties.

What's the benefit of secure contact details?

Peace of mind

Using a secure contact detail gives you complete peace of mind that the trade you're calling is a current recommended, vetted and monitored Checkatrade member.

Higher response rate

We want to give you the best chance possible at quickly and easily finding the right trade for you. Because secure contacts help to protect our trades against scam calls and text, genuine customer enquiries are more likely to be connected.

Trades have less spam calls

Secure contacts help us to identify frequent nuisance and spam callers - if we can help prevent these our trades find it easier to respond to genuine customer enquiries.

Trades alerted when they receive a Checkatrade enquiry

It gives them a great start with new enquiries - our trades will hear the Checkatrade jingle when they answer the phone to a Checkatrade customer so that they know where you found their details. If you text a trade through their secure mobile number, it will let them know that you're a Checkatrade customer.